My most important job is mom. I am mommy year round and 24/7. Those who know me best, however, know that I am one person with two mommy personas: School Year Mom and Summer Mom. Please meet School Year Mom. This is me most of the time. School-year mom is ruled by the clock. I […]
I love to read. I sometimes fantasize about staying in bed and reading all day! In my fantasy, no one talks to me, I leisurely sip coffee, time pauses, and the daily grind comes to a halt so I can soak in delicious words and twisting plots. This has never actually happened, and if it […]
Peanut butter ranks among the most essential survival needs in our household. Have you ever been to Costco to buy the two-for deal and brought home two enormous jars of the creamy wonder? We went last week to replenish our supply. Though I am proud to say there are still two jars in the pantry, […]
Welcome to my corner of the world, 40 degrees north latitude and 105 degrees west longitude. Life here in Longmont, Colorado is likely like yours-filled with joys and beauty, family and friends, stresses and work, and good warm feelings when you crawl into bed at night. The high blue skies and mountain peaks are extra […]